"Making Technology Serve You!"

"Making Technology Serve You!"

Cool or creepy?  You be the judge.  As the quote from Spider-Man goes, “With great power comes great responsibility”.  I’m all about making technology making life easier.  However, I’m not sure how I feel about making technology tricking you into thinking you are talking to a human.  There’s something to be said about the human connection, and I never want a robot to replace a human.  I’m not against computers doing jobs that humans can do, but a robot pretending to be a human is just too much for my liking.  Email me with your opinion at support@hytek-solutions.com or give me a ring if you’d like to discuss in person @ 720-460-0094!


Below is an article about using Google Assistant to control apps, which fits into the bill of making technology serve you.  That’s what I’m all about!