"Making Technology Serve You!"

"Making Technology Serve You!"

The funny thing about some people, (and yes, I’m guilty myself), is that sometimes we want the path of least resistance, and that’s why we can be lazy with our passwords.  Not only are they weak passwords sometimes (yes, you know who you are), you also use the same password on multiple platforms (again, guilty here as well).  The problem with this is that if your password gets hacked, now the hacker can test this password on multiple websites and applications that are related to you, and chances are, if they hacked your password, you are a target, so they know a lot about you.  This is where Last Pass comes into play.  Disclaimer, I only recommend LastPass because it is a product I love and use.  That is it.  It is great because you create one master password, then you can create ridiculously long and complicated passwords to secure your logins to websites and applications.  It makes it very easy, and can even setup on your mobile device.  If you want help setting this up, give me a call @ 720-460-0094!
